AETA -ICAR 10- ICAR 12 Architectural Engineering & Technology of Architecture
MADLab - Monitoring Analysis and Diagnostics of buildings and structures
HighSpeed - Parma super high-speed camera lab
HyLab - Parma Hydraulic Engineering Research Lab
Li&Ci - Laboratory of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Structures
RheoLab - Laboratory of Rheology and Rheometry
SoMe group - Solid And Structural Mechanics
Structural Engineering Group
ACTLAB and Aurora Lab
AnalogMIC Lab - Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits design lab
DSG - Distributed Systems Group
E4RES - Electronics For Renewable Energy Systems
EMsensED Lab - Sensors and Embedded Systems Design Lab
GAEM - Group of Applied ElectroMagnetics
IMP Lab - Image processing, Mobile vision and Pattern recognition lab
IoT Lab - Internet of Things Laboratory
IOTAlab - Internet of Things And Health Technologies Lab
Multimedia Lab
OPTIKLAB - Fiber-optic Communications lab
PExLab - Power Electronics Applications
Quantum Software Laboratory (QSLab)
RIMLab - Robotics and Intelligent Machines Laboratory
SoWIDE Group & IBIS Lab
SPADiC - Signal Processing for Advanced Digital Communications Group
UniPR Racing Team