Team members

  • Emanuele Naboni (PA Architectural Engineering ICAR 10) 
  • Barbara Gherri (RTDB Architectural Engineering ICAR 10)
  • Rossella Siani (RTDA Technology of Architecture ICAR 12)
  • Marcello Turrini (PhD candidate in Architectural Engineering ICAR 10)

ICAR 10-12 AETA team carries out research in the field of Climatic Sustainable Environmental Design at different scales: Urban, District, Building and Components, with a focus on linking Ecosystems and Humans via Design. Further research interest focuses on daylighting as a strategy to enhance indoor and outdoor thermal comfort as well as on Natural Based Solutions, NBS.

Research tracks are focused on sustainable cities, architecture and technologies, merging design as well as specific focuses are on regenerative design solutions and digital tools workflows that can reverse climate change and bring the ecosystem and humans to a state of health and general comfort.

At the building scale, the research activities are also focused on the assessment of the building's environmental performance and energy-saving strategies by integration of passive solutions in buildings’ envelope; on the definition of design criteria for Early-Stage Environmental Modeling for Climate Based Design. A major focus is on environmental design for indoor and outdoor comfort and the use of passive bioclimatic strategies, at the scale of the building envelope and for the environmental design of the micro-settlement scale.

Digital manufacturing technologies are also used to create full-scale prototypes or small-scale models. The CAD / CAM path translates digital design files into commands for CNC machines. Among the machines used are the CNC milling machine, laser cutting, FDM printer and others.

Moreover, the interest for Architectural Engineering focuses on the use of innovative materials and technologies for the building envelope for energy-performance design and for the retrofit of existing solutions, as well as on daylight evaluation, with regards to static and dynamic calculation methods and measurements. The research on the development of Nature-Based Solutions for climate change adaptation either at the building scale or at the urban scale is an important topic of the activities, meeting the interest and the investments of the European Commission on the topic.

Recent Research Projects

  1. ERASMUS + Project: “Knowledge Alliance for Evidence-Based Urban Practices” (KAEBUP), an Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances project co-financed by the EACEA, 

Duration: 01.01.2021-31.12.2023
Project type: ERASMUS + Project
Team leader for ICAR 10/12:  Barbara Gherri  (Marco Maretto, DIA)
Team Budget: 149.000 €
web site:

Theme: KAEBUP's main objective is to create an international educational and training method offering participants the opportunity to engage with professional environments, learning how research can be the basis for innovative professional practices and what businesses in the field of planning, architecture and urban design require from academia. Successful enterprises in Europe have made research outputs the core element of their practice to address pressing urban challenges including sustainability, mobility, health, and social cohesion. Such practices are ever more sought after by designers and authorities to ensure successful and sustainable results in urban design and governance. 

KAEBUP will achieve its objectives by implementing three ‘pathways to evidence-based urban practice’: 

Innovating learning and teaching through knowledge exchange and skills development working on real-life urban projects; Understanding and developing business models for evidence-based urban practices; Co-creating urban knowledge through multiple modes of exchange and involvement of students, teaching and company staff in teaching, research and practice. 

  1. SMILE-DIH (Smart Manufacturing Innovation Lean Excellence centre – Digital Innovation Hub) in European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01) - topic DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01-INITIAL — Initial Network of European Digital Innovation HubsAnno: 2019-2021

Duration: 2019-on going
Team Leader for ICAR 10/12: Barbara Gherri (Anna Maria Cucinotta, DIA)
Project type: European project, European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01)
Team Budget: to be defined
web site:

  1. EU Project NLITED The NLITED (New Level of Integrated TEchniques for Daylighting Education) 

Duration: 2020-2024
Team Leader for UNIPR: Emanuele Naboni, Barbara Gherri 
Project type: European project, 
Team Budget: to be defined
web site:

The project offers an advanced training program for specialist skills in the field of natural lighting, both for university students and construction professionals. The project is based on modular online teaching on a dedicated platform, associated with a summer school. The platform will contain theoretical knowledge, while the summer school will offer in-depth applied training.

  1. Ventilation and Daylighting assessment for Early-stage Design

Duration: 2022
Team Leader for ICAR 10/12: Barbara Gherri
Project type: Private Consultancy for SAFE LM
Team Budget: 3.800€

The consultancy project for SAFE LM aims at supporting the executive design stage for Sports facilities through quantitative assessments on natural ventilation, cross and vertical ventilation and thanks to daylighting assessment to support energy-saving design.

  1. WHO (World Health Organization) (in-kind) services in support of the Covid-19 outbreak response

Duration: 2022
Team Leader for ICAR 10/12: Emanuele Naboni
Project type: Private Consultancy OMS
Team Budget: 2.459 €

The project, in support of the Covid-19 outbreak response aims at giving scientific and technical support to Technical Science for Health - Network (Téchne):

  • on environment and engineering control measures including provide technical advises on existing constraints architectural/engineering aspects,
  • by supporting with evidence-based technical guidance tools and development of resource materials related to topics
  • advise on appropriate technology, development & research of new applicable technics
  • on training materials and WHO courses related to the connection between health, building and engineering environment.
  1. Ceramic District of Sassuolo Resiliency Plan (Italy) Adaptation to Climate Change and Guidelines for Microclimatic Design. 

Duration: 2021-2022
Team Leader for UNIPR: Emanuele Naboni, Barbara Gherri, Marcello Turrini
Project type: Private Consultancy for SOS School of Sustainability
Team Budget: 35.000 €

  • The project involves other partners: Iris Ceramica, Mario Cucinella Architects, Mobility  chain Milano, Emilia Romagna Region.
  • The project aims at answering the questions related to the Sassuolo Ceramic district: 
  • What are the district climatic patterns?
  • What is the recorded influence of climatic patterns on the localized Ecosystem? What is the influence on the Built Environment Carbon Ballance?
  • What is the influence on Human Health?
  • What is the short-term implication of Climate Change on local climate?
  • In turn, how climatic changes will impact typical local areas?
  • What features are resilient and regenerative?
  • How does the area of the district contribute to systemic degeneration?
  • What should be the future work to develop a set of guidelines for the site climatic adaptation? How future design strategies should be developed?

UNICAPI Project for Modena city Neighborhood

Duration: 2019-2021
Team Leader for ICAR 10/12: Barbara Gherri
Project type: Private Consultancy for UNICAPI Modena 
Team Budget: 12.000€

The consultancy aims at defining some specific guidelines to address a sustainable regeneration for the Neighborhood of Modena, with particular attention to some buildings in the relationship between outdoor area: the case study of Unicapi in Modena. The role of the ICAR 10/12 team is to define environmental assessments on the outdoor comfort of the open spaces about the UNICAPI buildings and to assess the buildings’ envelop energy performance.

Selected publications

  1. De Luca F, Naboni E, Lobaccaro G.  (2021) Tall Buildings Cluster Form Rationalization In A Nordic Climate By Factoring In Indoor-Outdoor Comfort And Energy.” Energy And Buildings 238 110831.Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Enbuild.2021.110831
  2. Gherri B, Maiullari D, Finizza C, Maretto M, Naboni E (2021), On Venetian Campi Resilience To Climate Change, IOP Conf. Series: Earth And Environmental Science 863 (2021) 012005 DOI10.1088/1755-1315/863/1/012005
  3. Gherri B, Maiullari D, Finizza C, Maretto M, Naboni E (2021), On The Thermal Resilience Of Venetian Open Spaces. Heritage 2021, 4(4), 4286-4303; Https://Doi.Org/10.3390/Heritage4040236
  4. Maiullari D, Gherri B, Finizza C, Maretto M, Naboni E (2021), Climate Change And Indoor Temperature Variation In Venetian Buildings: The Role Of Density And Urban Form. Pp.012060. In JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES – Doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2042/1/012060
  5. Gherri B. (2021), Illuminazione - Approcci Diversificati Al Progetto Luminoso: Dall’illuminazione Conforme Al Progetto Adattivo Della Luce, In Maria Evelina Melley, Barbara Gherri, Cecilia Tedeschi, Sportivamente Inclusivo, Roma, Aracne, ISBN 9791259943446, Pag. 117-128.
  6. Gherri B. (2020) Analisi Microclimatica E Progettazione Bioclimatica Per Gli Spazi Aperti Urbani, In Maretto M., Il Progetto Urbano Sostenibile. Morfologia, Architettura, Information Technology. Milano: Franco Angeli, Pp.135-155. ISBN: 978-88-351-0704-0.
  7. Emanuele Naboni, Agnese Milella, Roberta Vadalà, Francesco Fiorito (2020). On The Localised Climate Change Mitigation Potential Of Building Facades. Energy And Buildings, ISSN: 0378-7788, Doi: 10.1016/J.Enbuild.2020.110284
  8. Gremmelspacher, Jonas Manuel, Julija Sivolova, Emanuele Naboni, and Vahid M. Nik. “Future Climate Resilience Through Informed Decision Making in Retrofitting Projects.” In Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2020, edited by Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Sanjay Misra, Chiara Garau, Ivan Blečić, David Taniar, Bernady O. Apduhan, et al., 352–64. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
  9. Aimee Desert, Emanuele Naboni, David Garcia (2020). The Spatial Comfort And Thermal Delight Of Outdoor Misting Installations In Hot And Humid Extreme Environments. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, ISSN: 0378-7788, Doi: 10.1016/J.Enbuild.2020.110202
  10. Evola, Gianpiero, Vincenzo Costanzo, Cristina Magrì, Giuseppe Margani, Luigi Marletta, And Emanuele Naboni. “A Novel Comprehensive Workflow For Modelling Outdoor Thermal Comfort And Energy Demand In Urban Canyons: Results And Critical Issues.” Energy And Buildings, March 12, 2020, 109946. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Enbuild.2020.109946.
  11. Ricci, A; Ponzio, C; Fabbri, K; Gaspari, J; Naboni, E 2020. Development Of A Self-Sufficient Dynamic Façade Within The Context Of Climate Change. Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/00038628.2020.1713042. In ARCHITECTURAL SCIENCE REVIEW - ISSN:1758-9622 Vol. 64 (2)
  12. Naboni, E, Natanian J, Brizzi G, Florio P, Chokhachian A, Galanos T, And Rastogi P. “A Digital Workflow To Quantify Regenerative Urban Design In The Context Of A Changing Climate.” Renewable And Sustainable Energy Reviews 113 (2019): Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Rser.2019.109255
  13. Mauree, Dasaraden, Emanuele Naboni, Silvia Coccolo, A. T. D. Perera, Vahid M. Nik, And Jean-Louis Scartezzini. “A Review Of Assessment Methods For The Urban Environment And Its Energy Sustainability To Guarantee Climate Adaptation Of Future Cities.” Renewable And Sustainable Energy Reviews 112 (September 1, 2019): 733–46. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Rser.2019.06.005
  14. Sonetti, G.; Brown, M.; Naboni, E. About The Triggering Of UN Sustainable Development Goals And Regenerative Sustainability In Higher Education. Sustainability 2019, 11, 254. Https://Doi.Org/10.3390/Su11010254
  15. Maretto, M.; GHERRI, B.; Chiovitti, A.; Pitanti, G.; Scattino, F.; Boggio, N. (2020). Morphology And Sustainability In The Project Of Public Spaces. The Case Of The Historic Centre Of Viterbo (Italy). The Journal Of Public Space (5), Pp.23-44. Https://Doi.Org/10.32891/Jps.V5i2.1280
  16. Naboni, Emanuele & Havinga, Lisanne. (2019). Regenerative Design In Digital Practice. A Handbook For The Built Environment. Eurac Research.
  17.  Kreutzberg A., Naboni E., 360° VR for Qualifying Daylight Design, SHS Web Conf. 64 02015 (2019) DOI: 10.1051/shsconf/20196402015
  18. GHERRI B. (2019). I codici costruttivi: tecnologie e ambiente. pp.153-169. In La città storica post-sisma. Memorie, piani e prassi della ricostruzione dei Navelli e Civitaretenga - ISBN:978-88-7898-178-2 vol.
  19. Ferretti, D., GHERRI, B., Michelini, E. (2018). Eco-Mechanical Indexes For Sustainability Assessment Of AAC Blocks. IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 442, P. 1-17, ISSN: 1757-8981, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/442/1/012011
  20. GHERRI B., Orsi S., Cavagliano C. (2017). Social Housing Policies And Best Practice Review For Retrofit Action - Case Studies From Parma (IT). IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 245, P. 082038-082048, ISSN: 1757-8981, Doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/245/8/082038.
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