Internationalization is one of the strategic objectives of the University. Facing a growing number of available courses and international opportunities and a labour market that has become global, the University of Parma and the Department of Engineering and Architecture promote various opportunities, both through the ERASMUS+ Program and self-driven exchange programs (OVERWORLD, W.I.D.E.), aiming to elect European and international mobility as a priority in internationalization strategies. Within the Erasmus+ program framework, the Department of Engineering and Architecture has established agreements with 101 foreign universities.
For students, the new Call for International Mobility for Study Purposes brings together all the opportunities for mobility for study, including participation in double degree programs, while the University Call for International Mobility for Internships offers financial contributions for carry out an internship period in European and non-European companies, enterprises, institutions, associations.
In the link below you can find the annual "Bando unico per la mobilità Erasmus e Internazionale"
Opportunities for the students of the University of Parma (general)
Opportunities for the students of the Department of Engineering and Architecture
FAQ Erasmus - Outgoing
Find the FAQs here.
Reference figures for the Department of Engineering and Architecture
A number of opportunities to carry out a period of study, internship, teaching and training abroad.