Thematic areaTopicTutorFunded byARCHITECTURECircular product design in ambito domestico. Il sistema elettrodomesticoFiore ARCHITECTUREExploring the Role of Street Experiments in Promoting Active Mobility and Sustainable Urban DevelopmentRossetti50% cofunded by tutorARCHITECTURECataloguing and analysing damage to churches in the Emilia-Romagna region following the 2012 earthquake for their preservationOttoni DM629, art.10ARCHITECTUREDigital archives-platforms for architectural design. Innovative tools for teaching, dissemination, conservation and innovation with reduced environmental impactQuintelliRERINFRASTRUCTURESMixed flow modelling through the lattice Boltzmann methodMaranzoni INFRASTRUCTURESGravity currents in geologic media with application to CO2 injection and trappingLongo INFRASTRUCTURESMitigation and Adaptatioon in Resilient Coastal and Estuarine Integrated UnitsLongo INFRASTRUCTURESGreen Road: innovative materials to support the application of Dynamic Wireless Power Trasfer on roadsMontepara INFRASTRUCTURESRe-use of plastics derived from multilayered food carton recycling processes as a modifier for asphalt mixturesTebaldiDM630, EcoReviveINFRASTRUCTURESEffects and benefits of calcium oxide hydration reaction in cold recycling asphalt mixturesRomeoDM630, Fassa BortoloINFRASTRUCTURESEnhancing maximum circularity in the asphalt world through the innovative re-use of recycled asphalt pavementsGiulianiENIINFRASTRUCTURESLong life asphalt pavement based on RAP recycling: performance, mechanism, environmental analysisTebaldiResearch Grant of “China Scholarship Council”STRUCTURESResidual service life estimation of as built and repaired RC and PC structures and infrastructures subjected to corrosion phenomenaBelletti STRUCTURESDevelopment and application of algorithms based on Machine Learning for the analysis of the behavior of geotechnical structuresSegalini DM630, ASE